Indian River Kayak-Bike Biathlon
July 23, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am
| $60The 16th annual Indian River Kayak-Bike Biathlon is set for Sunday, July 23, 9-11 a.m. at DeVoe Beach, Burt Lake, Indian River, Mich. The event coincides with Indian River’s SummerFest, July 21-23.
There are only 100 participant slots available to athletes age 12 and older. Registration hasn’t opened yet, but details are coming soon.
The course begins with 2.24 miles of kayaking on the beautiful and historic Inland Waterway (Burt Lake and the Indian River). The course ends with 11.68 miles of bicycling on the scenic North Central State Trail, which is crushed limestone (not recommended for extremely narrow tires).
The start is at DeVoe Beach at 9 a.m. The transition from kayaking to biking is also at DeVoe Beach. The finish line is near the Indian River Chamber of Commerce building. Refreshments, awards, and prizes are back at DeVoe Beach. The award ceremony begins at 11 a.m.
Check-in begins at 8 a.m. at DeVoe Public Beach in Indian River. Registration includes free refreshments, free T-shirt and entry into drawings for great prizes.
Beautiful wood plaques will be awarded to the top finishers in each age/gender category.
All proceeds will go to support our beautiful trails in Northern Michigan.
Participants must provide their own bicycle and proper helmet and kayak with paddle, and Coast Guard approved life jacket.
For more information or to volunteer for this event contact Top of Michigan Trails Council at 231-348-8280.
This event is a fundraiser. One hundred percent of the proceeds are donated to maintain quality trails in our local area.
Registration and more details coming soon.